Which Types Of Domain & Hosting We Provide?
99% Up Time
Uptime is generally the most important metric for a website, online service or web based provider and is expressed as a percentage such as ‘99.9%'.
450ms Load Time
Our website loading time is very less. we aim for under a half-second. Fast matters, especially when it comes to customer service.
24×7 Support
We're available for 16 hours a day! Contact will require a detailed analysis and assessment of your plan.
SSL Certificate
SSL Certificates are small data files that digitally bind a cryptographic key to an organization’s details. When installed on a web server.
Site Lock
SiteLock is a cloud-based security tool that scans your website for malware and vulnerabilities. SiteLock not only detects threats, but can also fix problems or security risks it encounters on your web space.
Daily Site Backup
A daily backup backs up just those files that have been changed the same day when the backup is performed. A daily backup examines the modification date stored with each file's directory entry to determine.
Domain Privacy
Domain privacy is a service offered by a number of domain name registrars. A user buys privacy from the company, who in turn replaces the user's information in the WHOIS with the information of a forwarding service.
An illustration is a decoration, interpretation or visual explanation of a text, concept or process, designed for integration in published media, such as posters, flyers, magazines, books, teaching materials, animations.
Site Migration
Site migration, as the name suggests, is the process of migrating a website from one domain to a completely different one. For the purposes of this discussion we will focus on the concept of the domain migration.
Free Emails
Domain privacy is a service offered by a number of domain name registrars. A user buys privacy from the company, who in turn replaces the user's information in the WHOIS with the information of a forwarding service.
Easy to Use Hosting Panels
The web hosting control panel approach will allow you to monitor and adjust your server services from virtually anywhere with a stable internet connection. We’ve made this detailed guide to help you.
Free insights
Analytics Intelligence detects unusual changes or emerging trends in your data and notifies you automatically, on the Insights dashboard, within the Analytics platform.